英国ではガーデンを持つほとんどの人が、庭に鳥がやってくるのを好みます。 ガーデンセンターに行けば、小さな鳥から大きな鳥に至るまで、庭に招きたい鳥の種類によって、様々な違った餌台や餌を選んで買うことができるようになっています。
Most people who have a garden like to see the birds come into the garden. We can buy many types of bird feeders and also bird food in our garden centre.
The feeders are designed for certain birds as well as the foods. Small birds and big birds so many varieties.
The three most common birds are the blackbird, the song thrush and the robin. Many others come here including finches and tits. Perhaps the birds in England are different from the birds in Japan. The only bird we saw in Japan was the sparrow. They used to be very common in the UK, but these days we don't see many at all.
Here are a few of our visitors.
上の写真は、チムニー( 煙突)の中に巣をつくるジャック・ドウ
This is a jackdaw and they make a nest in the chimney!
これは、近くの林に住むキジ。 食べ物を探しに庭までやってきますよ!
This is a pheasant he lives in the woods, but come here for food.
A finch eating peanuts and the male chaffinch below
Our friendly robin will sometimes come indoors.
写真上のツートンカラーの大き目な鳥は、マグパイといい、盗みが得意(笑)。 ほかの鳥の餌を盗ってしまったり、時にはティースプーンのような光ったものを盗っていったりするんですよ。
The magpie is a thief. he will steal food from other birds and will also steal objects such as a teaspoon.
The blackbird walks on the lawn and then catches worms as they come to the surface