2016.8.29 / ガーデンスケジュール
August is the month where we start to enjoy the things we planted in spring. Particularly vegetables.
My garden usually looks best in July and August.
As always I have to keep dead heading flowering plants regularly and collect seed from favourite plants to store in a cool and dry place.
These lupinus seeds fell before I collected them.
果樹に来るスズメバチには罠をしかける。 わしは大抵、ペットボトルに石鹸水を半分くらい入れて、口のところにジャムを塗ってぶら下げておくんじゃ。
それから黒フサスグリの収穫がまだ済んでないときは収穫、そのほかジャガイモやトウモロコシなど夏野菜もとれる時期じゃのう。玉ねぎやガーリック、エシャロットなどは長持ちするように収穫後乾燥させる。 結構忙しそうじゃろ?
Watering! Particularly containers, pots and new plants. Preferably with stored rainwater or recycled water.
Trim Lavender when finished flowering, prune Wisteria and plant autumn bulbs.
Hang wasp traps in fruit trees. I usually make mine with pet bottles. Coat the entrance of the bottle with jam and half fill the bottle with soapy water.
Harvest blackcurrants if not already done so and harvest main crop potatoes, sweetcorn and other vegetables as they become ready.
Harvest alliums (onions, garlic & shallots) and dry well before storing.